1: 以下、5ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2022/03/15(火) 23:59:46.969 ID:H0/seZrb0
Not only that, Xi Jing Ping was considering a takeover of Taiwan in autumn – he needs his own small victory to be re-elected for his 3rd term – there’s a colossal internal fight between the elites.
Now after the events in Ukraine, the window of opportunity (to take Taiwan) has been closed. This gives the US an opportunity to blackmail Xi and also negotiate with his rivals on favorable terms.
【速報】ロシア兵、ウクライナ女性を性的暴行 → その様子がコチラ・・・・・
【速報】ロシアが緊急声明「ウクライナの次に軍事対応する国はここだ!!!」→ なんと・・・
Source: 生活・健康・医療NEWSまとめ